Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House In action shots of our project at the Ronald McDonald House! Duct work and exhaust hoods are being installed and next the Fire Suppression Team comes in to install. Z-Vent project managers provide a single point of contact coordinating all...
Did You Know? Series

Did You Know? Series

About the Did You Know? Series The Z-vent ‘Did you know?’ series will teach you about ventilation products that we just so happen to sell 😉. Stay tuned for insightful lessons as we continuously add them to this page and our social media accounts! Follow us...
Why Makeup Air is Important

Why Makeup Air is Important

WHY MAKEUP AIR IS IMPORTANT 4 problems you can SOLVE with a makeup air unit in your kitchen POORLY PERFORMING KITCHEN EXHAUST HOODS Without a makeup air unit for your kitchen, your exhaust hoods don’t do their job as well. That’s because the lack of supply air causes...